Equal opportunities and access to the labour market

Equal opportunities and access to the labour market

This theme is developed in Chapter 1 of the European Pillar of Social Rights. It analyses the policies and measures put in place by European countries to ensure that marginalised groups have equal opportunities to participate in society, including – but not limited to – through the labour market.  Through the Social Rights Monitor questionnaire, we assess the following for each country:

  • The efficacy of the welfare system in reducing inequalities
  • The inclusion of women in the labour market and in broader society
  • The inclusion of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in the labour market and in broader society
  • The role of education in fostering equality of opportunity for all, including participation in the labour market
  • The inclusion of young people in the labour market

Intersectional perspectives – such as that of gender – aimed at assessing the impact of policies on marginalised groups are not limited to this section of the Monitor but are included throughout the SRM.

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