Past Editions

Social Rights Monitor

This section collects the Past Editions of the Social Rights Monitor, which have been published in the format of reports since 2019. In 2022, no edition was published as SOLIDAR dedicated the year to revise the methodology for the data collection and visualisation.

The 2023 Social Rights Monitor will be the first edition in the format of interactive Map.

Social Rights Monitor 2021

The third edition of the Social Rights Monitor was edited by SOLIDAR & FEPS and assesses the state of social rights in different European Countries. The 20221 edition covers 16 countries in Europe: 13 EU countries – Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Spain and the Netherlands – 2 candidate countries – North Macedonia and Serbia– and the United Kingdom.  

SOLIDAR’s members and partners have created 16 National Strategy Groups (NSGs), one in each of the countries covered by the Monitor, composed of experts from CSOs, trade unions and academia. The Social Rights Monitor has been developed based on their observations from the ground and complemented with statistical data and scientific findings. The Monitor, therefore, also reflects the expertise of civil society fighting for social justice in Europe and constitutes a valuable evidence base for policymaking.

You can also view the separate Country Reports in English and translations in many of the countries’ languages.

Social Rights Monitor 2020

The second edition of the Social Rights Monitor provides insights about the state of social rights in different European countries. This edition reports on 14 countries from the European Union – Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Slovakia, Spain and the Netherlands; two candidate countries – Serbia and North Macedonia; and one member that left the EU in 2020, the United Kingdom.

The 2020 Monitor assesses the state of social Europe in terms of equality of opportunities, fair working conditions, social protection, inclusion and civic space. It does so on the basis of observations of National Strategy Groups (NSG) set up in each of the 17 countries by a SOLIDAR member or partner. These groups pool the expertise of civil society organisations, academics and experts in the field and support this with statistical data and scientific findings.

You can also view the separate Country Reports in English and translations in many of the countries’ languages.

Social Rights Monitor 2019

The first edition of the Social Rights Monitor provides an insight into the state of social rights in 16 European countries: 15 from the European Union – Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, The Netherlands, United Kingdom – and one candidate country, Serbia. The Monitor assesses the state of social Europe in terms of equality of opportunities, fair working conditions, social protection, inclusion and civic space based on the observations of Civil Society Organisations working on the ground in combination with statistical data and scientific findings.

You can also view the separate Country Reports and the French, Italian, German and Spanish translations available.

Funded by European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.