
Vështrim i përgjithshëm i Monitorit të të Drejtave Sociale

Rezultati 66

Vështrim i përgjithshëm i Monitorit të të Drejtave Sociale

Albania has made notable progress in several critical areas, including education, healthcare, and social protection, the National Strategy Group (NSG), led by Center for Labour Rights, reports. The government’s commitment to reform is reflected in initiatives to improve access to education and healthcare and to support lifelong learning, as well as measures to enhance fair working conditions. However, despite these advances, challenges remain in achieving equal opportunities, particularly for vulnerable groups such as women, minorities, and people with disabilities. Issues such as rural-urban disparities, youth unemployment, and the need for better social assistance coverage highlight the ongoing efforts needed to ensure inclusive growth and social justice throughout Albania.


Mundësi të Barabarta dhe Akses në Tregun e Punës

Rezultati 67

Mundësi të Barabarta dhe Akses në Tregun e Punës

Investimi në sistemin e mirëqenies

The NSG reported a mix of progress and ongoing challenges. Although significant efforts have been made in social care and economic support, there is still work to be done to address ongoing issues and ensure comprehensive improvement in the welfare system. The Ministry of Health and Social Protection's efforts in 2023 resulted in significant strides in social care. They benefited around 60,000 families and individuals in need, 160,000 people with disabilities, and almost 200 individuals in public residential centres. The 2024 budget reflects a focus on sustainable economic growth, welfare distribution, quality employment, and social protection: spending on social protection has been increased to 29.4% of total expenditure.[1] The Albanian government is consolidating the economic aid scheme, implementing a biopsychosocial evaluation system for people with disabilities and reforming social care services. The National Gender Equality Strategy (2021-2030) is being implemented by various government and local institutions. However, the 2024 budget reduces expenditure on health and housing: health spending has decreased to 9.4% of the total.[2] The economic aid scheme's targeting requires further assessment through field research and microdata analysis.[3] In addition, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection needs to finalise the evaluation of the current Social Protection Strategy and make progress in the design of the 2024-2030 National Gender Equality Strategy. Despite the efforts continuous funding and coordination among various institutions are insufficient. Costs must be estimated over a 10-year period.[4]

Barazia gjinore

Albania has made progress in gender equality, according to the NSG, partly thanks to a strong feminist movement in the country. The 2023 Gender Equality Index shows that Albania is one of the leaders in women’s political and economic power, with a high representation of women in ministerial positions (45%) and corporate boards (26%) in the Balkan region. Health indicators are strong, and both women and men have high life expectancies and positive self-perceptions of health.[5] In addition, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection funds two national centres providing long-term accommodation and support services for victims of domestic violence and human trafficking. However, segregation measured by the concentration of employed women in sectors of education, human health and social work activities in Albania is 14 %, which is the lowest in the Balkan region.[6]

Significant gender inequality persists in employment, with a 10.4 percentage-point gap in employment rates between men and women. Albanians have the longest working lives in the Western Balkans region, both for women (31 years) and men (41 years). But this 10-year gap difference in working life contributes to a gender pension gap. Rape, including spousal rape, and domestic violence are recognised as crimes in Albania, but enforcement remains inconsistent.[7] Spousal rape is not consistently treated as a crime, and the law does not specifically address the so-called corrective rape of LGBTQI+ people. Reports of gender-based violence, including domestic violence and sexual harassment, are high, but enforcement against sexual harassment is rare. Violence towards women and children remains a pressing issue, and there are ongoing challenges in providing integrated child protection services for survivors of violence, abuse, and exploitation.[8] Despite progress in reducing custodial sentences for minors involved in legal conflicts, issues remain with the treatment of children in institutions awaiting sentencing.[9] The legal framework does not fully protect LGBTQI+ individuals from discrimination or violence, despite laws prohibiting employment discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. Discrimination persists in areas such as unequal implementation of equal pay laws, societal norms that subordinate women, and discriminatory practices in the civil registries of parental identity [10]. LGBTQI+ individuals face widespread societal discrimination, and underreporting of violence and harassment is common due to the fear of outing and a lack of trust in institutions. The implementation of the National Action Plan for LGBTQI+ and the enforcement of hate crime laws are inadequate, and incidents persist of discriminatory language in the media and online.[11]

Edukimi, trajnimi dhe mësimi gjatë gjithë jetës

The NSG reports that, despite ongoing challenges, Albania is making progress in education, training, and lifelong learning through various initiatives and programmes. In the education sector, a support system has been established to reduce drop-out rates and offer a second chance for compulsory education. Students over 16 can complete their education in adult education schools. [12]

For judiciary officers such as judges and prosecutors, Albania conducted multiple in-work training courses between 2020 and 2023 on equality and non-discrimination, covering topics such as genocide, asylum seekers, and discrimination. Police officers have also received training on preventing discrimination and addressing stereotypes affecting the LGBTQI+ community: more than 7,500 were trained at local level in 2023. [13]

In lifelong learning, Albania has adopted cross-border mobility programmes such as Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps, providing young people with opportunities for travel and skills development. EU financial aid and bilateral agreements support vocational training facilities and job opportunities in sectors such as construction, agriculture, and tourism. These programmes enhance international collaboration and employment. Entrepreneurship education, guided by the European Entrepreneurship Competence Framework (EntreComp), focuses on developing students' entrepreneurial skills.[14] Non-formal and informal education also significantly help foster entrepreneurial competencies, particularly for social entrepreneurs, women, youth, and minorities. The NSG highlighted as good practice the adoption of a new programme to subsidise the development of digital skills, as it aims to help people with disabilities find work. In addition, the 2023-2030 National Employment and Skills Strategy includes a levy on employers that do not meet their quota of employees with disabilities. This is collected through the tax system.[15]

However, challenges remain in different areas. Despite efforts by the government to improve human resources, the capacity of the social services inspectorate remains very limited. Schools lack protocols to deal with discrimination and bullying against LGBTQI+ children, Roma, Balkan-Egyptians, and children with disabilities.[16] Furthermore, educational disparities present challenges for integrating Roma and Egyptians into the workforce. The state provides government bodies with no formal training on statelessness, and regular training is carried out by NGOs and supported by international donors such as ENS, UNHCR, and the US Embassy. While entrepreneurship education is aimed at developing students' entrepreneurial skills, challenges remain in improving vocational education, increasing participation in adult education, enhancing digital skills, and strengthening private-sector collaboration. The country's knowledge index, which is part of the Gender Equality Index and measures gender inequalities in educational attainment, participation in education and training over the life course and gender segregation, is lower than those of neighbouring countries, highlighting gender inequalities in educational attainment. The index for Albania is 55.6, but 62.4 in North Macedonia, for instance.[17]

Përfshirja e migrantëve, refugjatëve, azilkërkuesve dhe pakicave

Albania has implemented comprehensive national action plans aimed at promoting the equality, inclusion, and participation of Roma and Egyptians. The plans include setting up multidisciplinary commissions and training programmes to monitor and report progress. The government is collaborating with international organisations such as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to provide protection and assistance to refugees, returning refugees, and asylum seekers.[18] Albania established a € 48 million fund in response to the Ukraine-Russia conflict for reception and inclusion. On 6 November 2023, the Italian and Albanian Prime Ministers announced that they had signed an agreement to set up two centres in Albania to hold people rescued at sea by Italian ships, including people seeking protection. Amnesty International’s overall conclusion is that, while the agreement is highly unlikely to reach its stated aim in terms of migration management, its implementation would have a negative impact on a range of human rights, including the rights to life and physical integrity of people in distress at sea, and the rights to liberty, to asylum, and to adequate remedy, of people transferred to Albania in breach of International and EU law, as well as of the Italian Constitution.[19] In addition, measures to prevent racial discrimination have been promised, including hate crime training for police and amendments to media laws to curb hate speech. These represent proactive steps to address discriminatory practices.[20]

Challenges remain in the form of discrimination, slow bureaucratic processes, social pressure, and uneven implementation of inclusion initiatives. The Roma and Egyptian communities face challenges in accessing the labour market despite governmental efforts, as weak institutional capacity hinders effective support.[21] Significant challenges exist in processes to determine asylum access and refugee status, and inadequate reception processes and border pushbacks affect asylum seekers' rights.[22] Barriers to political participation persist for women, young voters, and minority groups, influenced by factors such as societal and family pressure, in the framework of the so-called “family voting“, a phenomenon for which the head of the family (usually the father) puts pressure to determine who the other family members should vote for. Discrimination against Roma and Balkan-Egyptian communities remains prevalent in various sectors, indicating systemic challenges. Government progress in the implementation of disability rights is uneven across regions, particularly in legislative alignment and the accessibility of public institutions.  Comprehensive reform is therefore needed.[23]

Punësimi i të rinjve

Albania's population has decreased notably over the past five years due to continuous youth emigration, according to a report by INSTAT.[24]  But youth unemployment remains significantly higher than in most previous years, although it decreased in 2023 from 2022.[25] The highest unemployment rate, of 22.5%, was for the 15-29 age group. In comparison, the EU youth unemployment rate in November 2023 was 14.5%, according to Eurostat.[26] This indicates that Albania's youth unemployment rate is significantly higher than the EU average. Significant labour shortages persist in multiple areas of the economy, including tourism. Stakeholders estimate that hundreds of thousands of positions in restaurants, cafés, bars, and hotels remain unfilled.[27]

[1] Ministry of Finance (2023), The Assembly approves in principle the Draft Budget of 2024

[2] Monitor (2023), 2024, pesha e shpenzimeve rritet për ushtrinë dhe mbrojtjen sociale, ulet për shëndetësinë dhe strehimin:

[3] European Commission (2023), Albania 2023 report:

[4] GREVIO (2023), Report submitted by Albania pursuant to Article 68, paragraph 4 of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (1st thematic evaluation round):

[5] EIGE (2023), Gender Equality Index: Measuring progress in the Western Balkans 2023,

Publications Office of the European Union:

[6] European Institute for Gender Equality, Gender Equality Index: Measuring progress in the Western Balkans,

[7] United States Department of State  Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (2023), Albania 2023 Human Rights Report:

[8] UNICEF (2023), Country Office Annual Report 2023 Albania:

[9] Ministry of Justice (2022), Annual report:

[10] United States Department of State  Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (2023), Albania 2023 Human Rights Report:

[11] United States Department of State  Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (2023), Albania 2023 Human Rights Report:

[12] European Commission (2024), Organisation and Governance, Fundamental Principles and National Policies:

[13] United Nations (2024), Experts of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination Note Albania’s Legislation to Combat Racism in Sport, Ask about Asylum Agreement with Italy and Inclusion of the Roma and Egyptian Populations:

[14] Youth Partnership (2023), Contribution of Partner Countries to the EU Youth Wiki Chapter III: Albania Employment and Entrepreneurship:

[15] European Commission (2023), Albania 2023 report:

[16] United States Department of State  Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (2023), Albania 2023 Human Rights Report:

[17] EIGE (2023), Gender Equality Index: Measuring progress in the Western Balkans 2023:

[18] United States Department of State  Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (2023), Albania 2023 Human Rights Report:

[19] Amnesty International Public Statement (2024), The Italy-Albania agreement on migration: pushing boundaries, threatening rights:

[20] United States Department of State  Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (2023), Albania 2023 Human Rights Report:

[21] United States Department of State  Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (2023), Albania 2023 Human Rights Report:

[22] United States Department of State  Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (2023), Albania 2023 Human Rights Report:

[23] United States Department of State  Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (2023), Albania 2023 Human Rights Report:

[24] INSTAT (2022), Population Statistics of Albania:

[25] Statista (2024), Albania: Youth unemployment rate from 2004 to 2023: 

[26] Eurostat (2024), November 2023 Euro area unemployment at 6.4% EU at 5.9%,regions%20in%20the%20previous%20month

[27] Euractiv (2023), Youth unemployment in Albania rises, but thousands of positions remain unfilled:

Kushtet e drejta të punës

Rezultati 44

Kushtet e drejta të punës

Albania is moderately well prepared on social and employment policy and has made good progress by enhancing labour market institutions and job access, the 2023 EU Progress Report states.[1] The new 2023-2030 National Employment and Skills Strategy focuses on job quality, skills development, and better matching of labour market demand and supply. Albania and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) signed the 2023-2026 Decent Work Country Programme to address key issues in working conditions and social protection, including work accidents, violence and harassment at work, low wages, and inadequate social security coverage. Albania's textile, clothing, leather, and footwear sectors face challenges such as poor working conditions and low productivity, the NSG reports. Integrating eco-innovation into national policies could enhance sector competitiveness, upgrade enterprises, and improve job opportunities.

Paga adekuate

Despite positive steps towards raising public sector wages, a lack of detailed plans and the potentially negative impacts of the new Income Tax Law suggest that the progress is incomplete and fraught with challenges, the NSG notes. The Prime Minister's launch of a national plan to increase wages in the public sector in 2023 is a promising initiative. It is expected to boost average wages in both the public and the private sectors, potentially improving the overall standard of living for many people living in Albania.[2] [3] However, no document has been published detailing specifics of the implementation. Moreover, before this wage measure, the Albanian Assembly approved the controversial Law on Income Tax, Law No. 29/2023, dated 30 March 2023 [4], which provides a broader definition of employment income and introduces progressive taxation on it. While this can be seen as fair, the specific thresholds might not significantly alleviate the tax burden on lower-income earners, weakening the national plan’s potential positive effects on wages.[5]

Shëndeti dhe siguria në punë

Albania must enhance its health and safety regulations to align with EU standards, according to the NSG. This should be done by, in particular, strengthening institutional capacities and inspection processes and developing a new strategy for 2023-2030.[6] At the moment of the drafting of this report, the strategy has not been put in place yet, despite its urgency. Albania suffers from a high rate of fatal work accidents, and it underreports non-fatal work accidents and occupational diseases. The country also lacks qualified safety experts. These factors obstruct the formulation of effective safety policies. The State Labour Inspectorate needs to improve its capacity to ensure workplace safety and fight undeclared work. The planned national OSH strategy covering 2023–2026 should address these issues, according to the NSG.[7] Albania ratified the ILO Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019 (No. 190), but more work is needed to align national laws with the convention. The NSG emphasizes that efforts are needed to ensure laws are disseminated and enforcement capacities built. These should be supported by awareness campaigns involving various stakeholders and coordinated actions led by the National Labour Council and involving government ministries and stakeholders.

Balanci jetë-punë

In recent years, Albania has made significant strides in enhancing the work-life balance through amendments that integrate international conventions and treaties into its legal framework. One example is the introduction of up to four months of unpaid parental leave. In addition, there is strong advocacy for work-life balance and family-friendly work environments.[8] While further detailed regulations are still required to align with EU directives, these advances represent tangible progress. Albanian workers spend about 43.7 hours per week at work, according to a study using data from Eurostat and Albania's INSTAT. This exceeds the average weekly working hours observed in EU countries, highlighting a difference in work patterns.[9] Moreover, overtime is increasing in Albania, posing challenges as flexible work arrangements become scarcer, especially in sectors such as banking.

Good practice

Following an increase in the minimum wage in April 2023, the government provides monthly financial compensation of 1,674 ALL, corresponding to around €16.5, to minimum wage employees in certain sectors (industry, agriculture, forest, and fishing) to cover higher social security and health contributions.[10] Beneficiaries of the compensation were only employees with a gross salary of up to 34,000 ALL per month. This measure, according to Pro Export Albania (PEA), favoured a low number in the manufacturing sector. The number of beneficiaries was 1,900 in the manufacturing sector, and no official figures exist for other sectors. At the request and insistence of PEA, it was achieved that the entitlement threshold was increased  from 34,000 to 40,000 ALL following the increase of the minimum wage.[11]

[1] European Commission (2023), Albania 2023 report:

[2] Prime Ministers Office Albania (2023), Workers’ wages, common national priority. Dialogue with entrepreneurial community to further hike private sector wages continues:

[3] Albanian Investment Council (2023), From low wages to labour productivity:

[4] Albania official publishing center, (2023), Official Journal of the Republic of Albania No. 70:

[5] KPMG (2024), Taxation of Employment Income in 2024:

[6] European Commission (2023), Albania 2023 report:

[7] International Labour Organization (2022), Albania Decent work country programme 2023-2026:

[8] UNFPA Albania (2023), A balanced professional and personal life, the modern mindset that drives the company forward and empowers employees:

[9] INSTAT (2022), Employment in Albania

[10] CoM (2023), On financial compensation due to the increase of

social security contributions and health for each minimum wage employee, subject to such


[11] Politiko (2023), The range of beneficiaries of the minimum wage compensation is expanded, sectors are added:

Përfshirja dhe Mbrojtja Sociale

Rezultati 43

Përfshirja dhe Mbrojtja Sociale

Social assistance programmes in Albania have been expanded to support low-income families, the elderly, and people with disabilities through cash transfers and pensions. However, the coverage and adequacy of these programmes require improvement for them to effectively reach those most in need. The government aims to strengthen the social protection system by expanding coverage, refining its targeting of benefits, and improving the quality of service.

The social protection system in Albania, although effective in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, reveals certain structural gaps. Therefore, the NSG recommends that Albania extend contributory social insurance to cover greater numbers of excluded or insufficiently covered workers, particularly women, workers in rural areas, and own-account agricultural workers. The low coverage stems from limited contributory capacity and a lack of understanding of the benefits of the reformed social security law. Albania has reformed its social assistance scheme to improve targeting accuracy, resulting in a slight increase in average benefits per person but a decline in the number of beneficiary households and overall expenditure. In the context of Albania’s decentralization efforts, local governments need to be advised on ensuring a basic income and social services for all disadvantaged persons.


While Albania's constitution recognises the right to adequate and affordable housing as a social objective, challenges persist due to extensive informal construction and mass privatisation in recent decades. A study by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) shows how this has led to a predominance of privately owned homes, many of which were initially built illegally.[1] The report highlights how small the rental sector is for social housing. It accounts for about 0.1% of inhabited dwellings and faces stiff competition from the private market. The mortgage market remains underdeveloped, and less than 1% of homeowners have mortgage loans. A major factor is informal construction methods involving cash transactions and remittances.

Albania has high housing prices relative to income – the third highest in Europe in 2023, the NSG reported.[2] At the same time, informal construction has emerged as a means for some Albanians to secure shelter despite its negative impact on urban environments.[3] Housing unaffordability is especially severe in Tirana, the capital, due to soaring property prices caused by factors such as money laundering.[4] The UNECE report points out that up to 32% of properties in Tirana and coastal areas were purchased by non-residents, exacerbating the problem. Consequently, low-income families find it exceedingly difficult to buy a home.[5]

Access to quality healthcare

There has been some progress in access to quality healthcare, including the introduction of HPV vaccinations for 13-year-old girls[6] and the adoption of a mental-health action plan for 2023-2026.[7] Initiatives such as e-prescriptions and e-reports indicate efforts towards digitalizing healthcare delivery.[8]

However, Albania's public health spending remains low, at 3.04% of GDP and 9.47% of total government spending. This is lower than in most countries in southeastern Europe and the EU and has led curative care to be given priority over preventive measures and primary healthcare.[9] The COVID-19 pandemic exposed significant shortages in medical supplies and digital infrastructure.[10] Infrastructure inadequacies, particularly in rural areas, hinder service delivery. Health insurance coverage for vulnerable groups such as women, people with disabilities, Roma, and Egyptians is insufficient.[11] The pharmaceutical sector continues to struggle to protect patients from counterfeit medicine, and gaps persist in tobacco control and the management of cross-border health threats.

Akses në shërbimet thelbësore

Access to healthcare services has increased, the NSG reports. Education accessibility has improved thanks to reforms increasing school enrolment and enhancing the quality of education through new facilities, textbooks, and teacher training. In rural and remote areas, however, healthcare lacks specialised care and suffers from problems of affordability, while education suffers from disparities in outcomes and high dropout rates.[12] Recent UNICEF studies highlight inadequate funding for preschool education, which particularly impacts vulnerable groups and necessitates urgent improvements in accessibility and affordability. Enhanced coordination among Municipalities, Local Education Offices, and the Ministry of Education and Sports is essential to optimise investments and better serve children with disabilities.[13]  To enhance long-term care, Albania has adopted a National Action Plan on Ageing 2020–2024.[14] However, it may not completely fix the lack of access to adequate long-term care services. The NSG also reports significant challenges in the digitalization of social services, such as a 2022 cyberattack that slowed the process.

[1] UNESC (2023), Drafti i profilit të vendit për zhvillimin urban, strehimin dhe menaxhimin e tokës në Shqipëri: përmbledhje e gjetjeve:

[2] NUMBEO (2023), Kostoja e Jetesës në Shqipëri:

[3] INSTAT (2022), Population Statistics of Albania:

[4] CAN (2023), Raporti, rritja e çmimit të banesave ndikohet nga pastrimi i parave: 

[5] UNESC (2023), Drafti i profilit të vendit për zhvillimin urban, strehimin dhe menaxhimin e tokës në Shqipëri: përmbledhje e gjetjeve:

[6] UNFPA Albania (2024), Eliminimi i kancerit të qafës së mitrës në Shqipëri:

[7] Ministria e Shëndetësisë dhe Mbrojtjes Sociale (2023), Plani i Veprimit për Shëndetin Mendor në Shqipëri:

[8] European Commission (2023), Albania 2023 report:

[9] INSTAT (2023), Shënuesit demografikë në Shqipëri:

[10] FCTC (2022), Protokolli për Eliminimin e Tregtisë së Paligjshme të Produkteve të Duhanit:

[11] Ministria e Shëndetësisë dhe Mbrojtjes Sociale (2022), Plani kombëtar për barazi, përfshirje dhe pjesëmarrje për romët dhe egjiptianët 2021:

[12] OBSH (2023), Raporti vjetor i progresit drejt zbatimit të Udhërrëfyesit për shëndetin dhe mirëqenien në Ballkanin Perëndimor (2021–2025):

[13] Youth Partnership (2023), Contribution of Partner Countries to the EU Youth Wiki Chapter III: Albania Employment and Entrepreneurship:

[14] Komisioni Evropian (2020), Shqipëri: dokumenti i parë kombëtar i politikave mbi plakjen e ESPN Flash Report 2020/47:

Hapësirë Qytetare

Rezultati 67

Hapësirë Qytetare

CIVICUS Monitor e klasifikon hapësirën qytetare të Shqipërisë si "Ngushtuar", një status i pandryshuar që nga viti 2018.[1] Ky klasifikim tregon se, ndërkohë që individët dhe organizatat e shoqërisë civile mund të ushtrojnë të drejtat e tyre për lirinë e organizimit, tubimit paqësor dhe shprehjes, këto të drejta shpesh shkelen nëpërmjet ngacmimeve, arrestimeve ose sulmeve kundër kritikëve të atyre në pushtet, si dhe nëpërmjet tepruar. forcës gjatë protestave dhe presionit politik në media.

NSG raporton se pavarësia e medias rrezikohet nga përpjekjet e qeverisë, partive politike, bizneseve dhe grupeve kriminale për të ushtruar ndikim të padrejtë dhe se ka raporte të besueshme për figura të larta të medias që përdorin platformat e tyre për shantazh.[2] Ka pasur edhe raportime nga gazetarët për vonesa në pagesat e pagave, dhunë dhe frikësim. Këto probleme financiare i kanë shtyrë gazetarët të mbështeten në burime të jashtme të të ardhurave, gjë që ka çuar në pyetje mbi pavarësinë dhe integritetin e raporteve të tyre. Gazetarët shpesh praktikojnë autocensurën për të shmangur dhunën dhe ngacmimet ose për të siguruar punësim.

Përfshirja e shoqërisë civile në negociatat për anëtarësim në BE

Kuadri ligjor dhe rregullator i Shqipërisë për të drejtën e lirisë së tubimit dhe organizimit është në përputhje me standardet ndërkombëtare. Një regjistër elektronik kombëtar i OJQ-ve është parashikuar në fund të vitit 2023.[3] Regjistri përbëhet nga një bazë të dhënash shtetërore e cila mbledh, organizon dhe ruan informacionin për organizatat jofitimprurëse (OJF) në mënyrë elektronike, në ndërveprim me strukturat e tjera si Gjendjes Civile, Regjistrit Tregtar, Drejtorisë së Përgjithshme të Tatimeve, Regjistrit të Noterisë dhe Sigurimeve Shoqërore. Instituti. Regjistri i krijuar nga Këshilli i Lartë Gjyqësor do të administrohet dhe mbahet nga Gjykata e Rrethit Gjyqësor Tiranë. Ai do të përmbajë të dhëna në lidhje me themelimin, fushën e veprimtarisë së OJF-ve, çdo ndryshim në statusin dhe formën e tyre të organizimit, të dhëna në lidhje me përfaqësimin dhe përfaqësuesit ligjorë, si dhe informacione të tjera shtesë të parashikuara në ligj. Zhvillimi i një regjistri elektronik të strukturuar është një hap i rëndësishëm përpara, pasi promovon raportimin dhe llogaridhënien në veprimtarinë e OJF-ve dhe rrit garancinë e besimit të publikut për administrimin dhe menaxhimin korrekt të tyre.

Kuadri ligjor për konsultimin publik në Shqipëri është në përputhje me standardet evropiane, por përballet me sfida për t'u bërë plotësisht funksional, veçanërisht në lidhje me konsultimet e rregullta për projektligjet dhe shtrirjen e fushës së konsultimit në zbatimin e ligjeve. Roli i shoqërisë civile në negociatat e anëtarësimit në BE duhet të forcohet që pjesëmarrja e saj të bëhet kuptimplote. Kjo kërkon struktura të përmirësuara operacionale në nivel qeveritar, siç është Platforma e Partneritetit për Integrimin Evropian. Financimi për organizatat e shoqërisë civile (OSHC) mbetet i pamjaftueshëm, duke ndikuar në aftësinë e tyre për të ndikuar në mënyrë efektive politikat, pavarësisht numrit të madh të tyre.[4] Përveç kësaj, nuk ka pasur progres në zbatimin e udhërrëfyesit drejt një mjedisi të favorshëm për shoqërinë civile. Udhërrëfyesi mbetet shumë i varur nga mbështetja e donatorëve, e cila ofrohet kryesisht nga donatorë të huaj. Kjo është një dëshmi e mungesës së mbështetjes dhe pronësisë konkrete nga qeveria. Një rishikim i Ligjit për vullnetarizmin është ende në pritje.

[1] CIVICUS (2023), Shqipëri:

[2] United States Department of State  Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (2023), Albania 2023 Human Rights Report:

[3] European Commission (2023), Albania 2023 report:

[4] Kasmi (2023), Iniciativat e Shoqërisë Civile: çelësi i anëtarësimit të Shqipërisë në BE:

Vetëm tranzicion

Rezultati 50

Vetëm tranzicion

Qasja në lëvizshmëri të qëndrueshme: varfëria e transportit

Shqipëria përballet me sfida në elektrifikimin e transportit të saj publik për shkak të kufizimeve financiare dhe kërkesave të ekspertizës teknike. Megjithatë, qeveritë vendore kanë përgjegjësi specifike për të menaxhuar cilësinë e ajrit.[1] Në Tiranë, sektori i transportit ka një ndikim të rëndësishëm në nivelet e ndotjes, duke paraqitur rreziqe për shëndetin publik. (Industria e rëndë dhe sektorët e energjisë kanë gjurmë minimale mjedisore.)[2] Lëvizshmëria urbane në Tiranë është sfiduar nga një rritje e madhe e numrit të automjeteve që nga fundi i viteve 1980, gjë që ka çuar në bllokime të rënda të trafikut, emetime më të larta të gazeve serrë dhe cilësi të dobët të ajrit. Edhe pse disa nga ndikimet e ndryshimeve klimatike po ndihen tashmë në Shqipëri, vendi është ende në një fazë të hershme në miratimin, parandalimin dhe zbatimin e masave zbutëse.[3] Për të promovuar qëndrueshmërinë, ekziston një nevojë kritike për të përmirësuar alternativat duke ofruar transport publik të fuqishëm, lehtësira të sigurta për këmbësorë dhe shtigje biçikletash. Megjithëse investimet kanë treguar rezultate pozitive, përpjekjet e vazhdueshme janë thelbësore për të kapërcyer pengesat për planifikimin dhe zbatimin e zgjidhjeve të lëvizshmërisë, siç janë personeli dhe kapacitetet teknike të pamjaftueshme.

Good practice

Si një praktikë e mirë, NGS nënvizon një projekt të quajtur “Transporti i Qëndrueshëm Urban në Tiranë (SUTi)”[4] nën Iniciativën Transformative të Lëvizshmërisë Urbane (TUMI) për të vendosur menaxhimin e bazuar në të dhëna, për të përmirësuar sistemin e autobusëve dhe fokusin e tij ndaj klientit dhe për të përmirësuar infrastrukturën e ecjes dhe çiklizmit. I zbatuar nga Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), agjencia gjermane e zhvillimit, projekti synon të kontribuojë në transportin urban të qëndrueshëm dhe miqësor ndaj klimës.[5]

[1] Ministria e Turizmit dhe Mjedisit (2019), VKM Menaxhimi i Cilësisë së Ajrit:

[2] Instituti për Zhvillimin e Habitatit dhe POLIS Press (2019), Dekarbonizimi i Sektorit të Transportit Publik në Tiranë:

[3] Gjoka, Rhoxha, Xh. & Bashmili, K., (2018), Qeverisja për Rezolutën e Ndryshimeve Klimatike. Rishikimi Vjetor i Qeverisjes Territoriale në Shqipëri:

[4] GIZ (2022), Transporti i Qëndrueshëm Urban në Tiranë Tërheqje Drejt veprimit të lëvizshmërisë së qëndrueshme urbane të drejtuar nga të dhënat në Tiranë:

[5] GIZ (2024), Përmirësimi i lëvizshmërisë alternative miqësore me klimën në Tiranë:

Financuar nga Bashkimi Evropian. Pikëpamjet dhe opinionet e shprehura janë megjithatë vetëm ato të autorit(ve) dhe nuk pasqyrojnë domosdoshmërisht ato të Bashkimit Evropian ose Komisionit Evropian. As Bashkimi Evropian dhe as autoriteti dhënies nuk mund të mbahen përgjegjës për to.